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- Fformat v1.0
- Fformat is a utility designed for those that cannot stand
- the slowness of the DOS format. It was kind of an overnight design
- therefore it is bound to contain a few undocumented BUGS. If you
- find any, please contact Tony Solomon (PLINK ID Tony*S) so that he
- can relay them to me. Fformat is according to my benchmarks 100%
- faster than the DOS format.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The known bug is: ** F-I-X-E-D **
- 1. PLEASE do not hit control C while the format is
- running. This will cause the format to stop, but
- it will not release the drive it was working on,
- therefore you will have to reboot to gain access
- again. If you do wish to abort, remove the disk
- at the sign on prompt "Please insert...", then
- hit <return>. Doing this will print the default
- I/O message "Spurious error occured during disk
- write!!!".
- NOTE: The control-c bug has been fixed! Also the program was'nt reading
- the disk after a format resulting in erroneous info commands. This
- has also been fixed. ( Thanks Harv ;-) )
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "Fformat" can only be used from the Command Line Interpreter. The
- command line should look like:
- Fformat <flags> <drive name> <disk name>
- ex: Fformat -v df0: MYDISK
- Optionally, you can say "Fformat df0:" which will format drive
- "df0:" with the disk name "EMPTY", or just "Fformat" which will
- format drive "df0:" with the disk name "EMPTY".
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Special thanks to Nathan Barber without whose help and
- guidance this would of taken many more weeks, and Tony Solomon for
- his hacker's talents...
- This being the first version, I plan on putting 2 more
- options in the command line: verify and Install. If you enjoy the
- speed and flexibility of my fast format, please send a contribution
- to:
- Paul Fortin
- 6020 Wallace Rd
- Panama city, Fla.
- 32404
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fast Format Version 1.1
- Addendum: 21 November 1987
- Several new options have been added as well as the aforementioned bug
- fixes. The new options directly correspond to "flags" set in the
- command line. These options are:
- 1. Format with verify: Ex. Fformat -v df1: DISKNAME
- 2. Format with install: Ex. FFormat -i df1: DISKNAME
- 3. Format with install & verify Ex. Fformat -vi df1: DISKNAME
- 4. Install a disk ONLY! Ex. Fformat -in df1:
- Now you can get rid of both the DOS format and install commands! And
- the best part is the program is still 100% faster than DOS, and is
- under 10K!!
- The program has been changed to give the user feedback in the form of
- cylinders formatted.
- The program now has an abort feature, just hit any key followed by a
- <RETURN> at the "Put disk to format in DFx: and press <RETURN>" prompt!
- The command line will allow only three arguments so the following line
- will result in a USAGE: display:
- Fformat -i -v df1: DISKNAME
- Just remember, if you want to format with verify and install the two
- "flags" are used together "-vi or -iv". Also, be careful of using
- the default parameters, and just saying "Fformat". This will format
- the disk in DF0: with the name EMPTY. The more you use programs the
- more complacent we all become and the chances of accidentally format-
- ting your Workbench disk greatly increases. The following syntax is
- perfectly acceptable:
- Fformat df1:
- Fformat df1: -v
- Fformat -i df1: -v
- Fformat -v
- Fformat -vi
- Fformat -iv df1: "New Disk" <- Quotes for space in FILENAME
- and so on..... The command line parser is very flexible! Just remem-
- ber the three argument restriction! Paul and I hope you like the flex-
- ability and speed of Fformat. And thanks for all the supportive letters
- and suggested bug fixes. Your suggestions are what make the program
- better. And as always.......Enjoy, Tony Solomon (PLINK ID: Tony*S).